International Polar Year Programme Office and IPF collaborate on IPY website

The International Polar Year Programme Office and the International Polar Foundation have worked together to produce the architecture, functionnalities and technical guidelines for the upcoming, relaunched IPY public website. The objective is to produce a dynamic and user-friendly website to communicate with the broader public during the International Polar Year.

This new tool will be packed with information of interest to a wide range of users. It will include educational links and resources, IPY news, blog posts and an agenda listing education, outreach and communication events and science projects around the world.

The objectives of this new website will be:

  • To present the IPY in its various aspects and stress its importance in relation to current themes and issues: polar research, arctic communities, climate change, biodiversity, energy policies, etc.
  • To build and strengthen the IPY community by centralising existing resources (internally) and start a dialog with the public through an IPY blog (externally).
  • To present scientific facts and data in an engaging and interactive way through cutting edge multimedia technology.

The IPF webteam enjoyed its collaboration with IPY-IPO and hopes that the relaunched website will benefit from this common effort.

"We know that IPF helped us produce an excellent set of guidelines for the new IPY website, and we look forward to continued partnerships" - Dave Carlson - Director, IPY IPO.