The Belgian Delegation in Nairobi, for the COP12/MOP2

The IPF representatives joined the Belgian Delegation to the UNFCCC COP12/MOP2 for dinner at the Belgian Embassy, on invitation from the Ambassador Mme Cristina Funes-Noppen. Among those present were the Minister for the Environment, Mr Bruno Tobback, the Brussels Region Minister Mme Evelyne Huytebroeck, and the Nobel Prize Winner, Mme Wangari Mathai.

Mr Tobback had earlier surprised the High Level Meeting of the COP/MOP by having the Belgian national statement read to the assembly by a housewife from Kappellen, near Antwerp. The lady in question has become very motivated on climate change matters, and had organised a viewing of Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth" for members of the Government. A team from the VRT Belgian television channel were on hand to capture the moment.