Presentation of the EONS project at the Expo-Sciences in Brussels
The EONS project is a "low-tech initiative" aimed at making science attractive to younger people and familiarising older school age children (from 14years) with the application of scientific method to problem solving. The core activity under the program is designing an environmental monitoring system, using simple components, and then using it to capture, store and transfer data to a central collection point for processing into meaningful form.
The Earth Observation Network for Schools (EONS) aims to use climate change, a real global problem, to demonstrate to young people how scientific concepts can be harnessed to deal with concrete issues. The project will put highlight the threat posed by climate change and the various responses to that threat, technological and otherwise, of the international community .
The EONS Project will set up an international network of schools to collect environmental data, using monitoring stations provided in kit form, to be constructed by students in participating classes.
The project will consist of several component parts, and will be carried out in three phases, each one lasting one year.
Partners in EONS are the Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Les Jeunesses Scientifiques Belges and MILSET.
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