Renewable Energy for Europe – Research in Action

The IPF attended the Renewable Energy for Europe – Research in Action conference. this event aimed to present the important role that renewable energy research plays in Europe, and to enhance awareness among stakeholders of the opportunities ahead. Key European success stories were analysed, and the existing and planned European renewable energy technology platforms on PV, biofuels and wind were presented.

A particular emphasis was placed on learning from national research programmes and examining possibilities to stimulate coordination.

The potential of the different renewable energies was put in the wider context of the renewable energy portfolio and market conditions.

From the all the speakers it emerged that technological innovation will drive the markets, but that financing will be required to put in place the structures which can benefit from the new technology coming on-stream. For this the political to facilitate change has to be present. The energy revolution will require that all the conditions favourable to a change in energy production and consumption, towards renewables, and towards more efficiency, be met.

The message from the European Commission is that they are working strenuously to make this a reality.