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Alain Hubert to Receive Prestigious 2023 Belgica Medal

The Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium (Classe des Sciences)  has announced that it has selected Alain Hubert, Founder and President of the International Polar Foundation to receive one of the two Belgica Medals the body plans to award for the prize.  The Belgica Medal is awarded every 5 years.  This will be the twelfth time that it will be awarded since it was set up.

Laurence Trân Arctic Futures Award Call Launched in Anticipation of Next Arctic Futures Symposium

The call for submissions for the second annual Laurence Trân Arctic Futures Award have been opened in anticipation of the 14th annual Arctic Futures Symposium, which will take place on Tuesday, November 28th and Wednesday, November 29th at Town Hall Europe in Brussels' EU Quarter.

BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
Peak in East Antarctica Named after Veteran of Belgian Antarctic Expeditions

A peak in the Sør Rondane Mountains now bears the name of Professor Tony Van Autenboer, a geologist and leader of many Belgian geological research expeditions between 1958 and 1970.

BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
An Eventful Season for Meteorite Hunters at PEA

For more than ten years, meteorite scientists from Belgian universities have been using the Belgian Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research station as a base from which to search for meteorites, which can give clues to the origins of our solar system.

In Memoriam: Claude Lorius

The International Polar Foundation mourns the death of a legend in climate change research.

BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
Two Successful Seasons for Horizon 2020 HYPERNETS Project at PEA

During the 2021-22 and 2022-23 austral summer research seasons, Quinten Vanhellemont from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences spent several weeks at the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica installing and maintaining instruments for the Horizon 2020 Hypernets project, which is measuring surface radiation reflectance at different points of the globe, including Antarctica.

In this interview Quinten describes the objectives of the project and what they were able to accomplish over two seasons at the world’s first zero-emission polar research station.

BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
IPF, WSL and CU Boulder Innovate to Better Understand Climate Change

Since 2012, with the help of its partners from the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) in Zürich, Switzerland and the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder), the International Polar Foundation (IPF) has maintained and expanded a network of automatic weather stations (AWS) under the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Climate Experiments (PEACE) project.

BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
Final Days of the Season

The 2022-23 season is drawing to a close. The BELARE team had been very busy with the final tasks before their scheduled departure at the end of this week.

BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
Much to Do with a Week to Go

The team of four led by Alain Hubert who had gone to the coast to offload cargo from the ship made it back to the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Wednesday afternoon.

BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
Keeping Busy While Waiting for the Ship

Since the departure of the VIPs from the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica more than two weeks ago, the BELARE team has been busy preparing for the arrival of the cargo ship, which contains the components of the station’s new water treatment system, and finishing upgrades to the hangar at Perseus Intercontinental Runway.