Aside from a small New Year’s celebration for those who were at the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica (PEA), the scientists and crew have been working hard supporting science projects, managing logistics in prevision of the ship arriving next week, as well as maintaining and improving the station’s infrastructure.
Scientific work ramps up
The team from the PASPARTOUT project has installed an active sampler for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on top of the southern shelter as well as a passive particle sampler. These samplers installed by Paula Lamprea Pineda from Ghent University (UGent) will run at the Princess Elisabeth station for a year and then be installed at the coast during BELARE 24-25 campaign. Sibylle Boxho from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) installed a snow sampler in the vicinity of PEA to ensure everything is running correctly before the instrument is relocated to the Princess Ragnhild Coast later this month with the assistance from IPF field guide Manu Poudelet and engineer Nicolas Herinckx who has built a mobile power unit for that purpose.
After installing and testing the HYPSTAR radiometer by the PEA airfield as well as two SKYCAMS on top of the scientific shelters, Quentin Vanhellemont from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) is now testing the energy consumption of the HYPSTAR to better monitor its energy needs. This is necessary because the instrument will be temporarily installed at two different remote sites (Yuboku valley and on the Ketlersbreen Glacier’s dry valley) this season to measure solar reflectance from the surface of rocky terrain.
After their scheduled arrival on January 11th, Quentin’s ExPoSoils colleagues Valentina Savaglia from the University of Liege and Björn Tytgat from UGent will begin sampling microorganisms in areas where previous Belgian projects MICROBIAN had installed open-top chambers and snow fences in Antarctic Specially Protected Areas (ASPAs). Open-top chambers and snow fences mimic the possible effects that climate change (warming temperatures, increased precipitation) might have on microbial communities, including genetic adaptation of these microbes over time.
The team from the 4SAT project, which includes Maarten Baes from UGent and two members of Belgian Defence, have been spending the last week travelling to various locations to carry out site surveys. These locations are being analyzed as potential sites to install a telescope, which would observe and monitor low orbiting objects (LEO) such as space debris in the coming years. They have been using a high definition drone to 3-D map the topography of these different locations to determine which site would be most suitable for a telescope.
Some of the sites that have been surveyed seem promising and well sheltered from the wind, however many of the places they have visited so far have been too windy. Their project requires a location that is protected from the wind and has little atmospheric disturbance to ensure minimal vibration so the telescope can adequately see and track low orbiting objects.
Making the best of unexpected down time
The cargo ship which was scheduled to arrive at the coast in early January has been slightly delayed. Schedule changes are nothing new to Antarctic logistics however, and the traverse team has taken this opportunity to prepare the Perseus runway in anticipation of a flight scheduled to arrive on February 6th. The runway needs to be well groomed and then roughed up to enhance friction in order for planes to land safely; it takes time to do this properly.
At the moment the traverse team is on its way to the coast to meet the ship for the unloading of the cargo, which includes more scientific equipment, many batteries, fresh food supplies and more. Once the unloading is complete, there will be 31 containers of waste which had been prepped for removal, in accordance with the Antarctic Treaty. Another traverse will be necessary later on this season to bring all the new containers back to PEA.
Meanwhile engineers Aymar de Lichtervelde and Nicolas Herinckx along with plumbers Bernard and Simeon Polet have been putting the finishing touches on the station’s new Water Treatment System (WTS). The pipes, pumps and tanks are all in place. The only thing left to finish before the system is operational is the testing of the software that will run the WTS. The team in Antarctica has been in regular contact with Wouter Paesen in Belgium, who wrote the code and designed the program for the new WTS.
As a preventative measure, carpenters have been busy building a roof over the gap between PEA’s north annex and the exposed part of the ridge on which the station is built. This gap has a tendency to become filled in with snow, which impedes the annex’s movement each time the building needs to be raised at the start and end of each season. The station is built and anchored into a granite rock ridge, however glacial dynamics ensures that the surrounding ice is in a constant, slow creep towards the coast which is why the annexes need to be levelled each season.
Changes on the horizon
The flight scheduled for January 11th will not only bring Valentina and Bjorn for the ExPoSoils project, but will also bring a new station Doctor, a familiar face in Barbara Weith, who will replace Mathieu Pasquier for the rest of the season. A small Belgian TV crew lead by Eric Goens is also scheduled to arrive and will spend a few weeks at PEA to film for an upcoming documentary.
Time has been flying, for we are already past the halfway mark of the BELARE 2023-2024 campaign. This also means that some IPF staff and scientists will head back home soon while new faces will arrive to finish out the season at PEA. The next flight between Antarctica and South Africa (Cape Town) is scheduled to take place on the 11th or 12th of January. We thank everyone for their hard work for what has been a smooth and successful season! That being said stay tuned for many projects are in full swing and there is still much to be done before this expedition comes to an end in late February.
The season got into full swing this past week following the arrival of the scientists and new crew.
Welcome to Antarctica!
Two days of mandatory orientation and training welcomed the newcomers before work began in earnest.
One of the first things newcomers must do is receive extensive training on how to administer first aid, protect themselves against the dangers of polar regions, how to drive a snowmobile, and other necessary skills for daily life in Antarctica. An important part of this general training is and exercise on how to rescue someone from a crevasse should someone ever have the misfortune of ever falling into one. Extra Information about the new Antarctic Specially Protected Areas (ASPA; location and rules) avian flu HPAI H5N1 and the code of conduct that visitors of PEA are required to follow are also provided.
The newcomers spent the majority of two days learning these important skills from expert field guides and the station doctor, Mathieu Pasquier. Now everyone is fully prepared to face the elements in Antarctica.
The newcomers also spent Christmas in Antarctica. For many of them, it was the first time they spent the holiday here, away from their loved ones. At least they were guaranteed a white Christmas! A Christmas Eve storm left mounds of snow at the station and on Christmas Day many people pitched in with shovels to remove the excess snow that had accumulated overnight. This year there has been more snow accumulation at the station than usual.
Station cook Thomas Duconseille served up a memorable Christmas Dinner on December 24th, which included a wonderful three-course meal. This was accompanied by ample cheer and time for scientists and state crew to socialise.
Science and logistics
Work began on scientific projects in earnest this week. Quinten Vanhellemont from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) has been installing the HYPSTAR radiometer to monitor solar radiation and ground reflectivity in the vicinity of the station for the ExpoSoils project. He has also installed two upward looking cameras for the SKYCAM project, a University of Maryland and NASA Goddard-led research project looking to better understand how clouds influence remote sensing data and help enhance current cloud detection and characterization methods above Princess Elisabeth Antarctica station.
On Tuesday the three members of the 4SAT project (Site Survey for possible Space Situational Awarness Telescope), which is looking to track satellites and space junk, headed to Vesthaugen Nunatak about 30 km north of the station to survey this area as a potential location for a possible future telescope the project would like to build. In the coming weeks, they also plan to check four or five additional locations as potential places to install the permanent telescope.
With help from IPF crew, two researchers from the PASPARTOUT project, Sibylle Boxho from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Dr. Paula Lamprea Pineda from UGent have been installing monitoring equipment on the roof of the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica, such as an auto-sampler which will collect air throughout the year to determine pollutants present in the atmosphere. This will allow scientists to better understand meteorological conditions influencing the local environment and from where these pollutants originate.
In the coming weeks Sibylle and Paula will head in the direction of the coast with one of our experienced polar field guides, Manu, there they will dig a trench in the snow, some 2 meters deep, 1.5 meters wide and 3-4 meters in length to take snow samples. They will also install another atmospheric particle sampler. They plan to be in the field for two straight weeks as they dig, sample, and collect snow and particles required to carry out their analysis.
The cargo ship is scheduled to arrive and begin unloading on the ice shelf on January 1st. Alain and four additional members of the IPF team (Tim, Jacques, Yann, and Simeon) are leaving on Saturday for their third traverse of the season, taking additional waste from the station that has accumulated over the years.
This year, with record-low sea ice cover around Antarctica, navigating the sea ice surrounding the continent is expected to be rather easy for the cargo ship. While this is good for logistics, it’s not necessarily good for the climate, nor the wildlife that populates the Southern Ocean, as certain animals are dependent on specific ice conditions to feed, breed and grow.
A group of Chinese researchers working on the RINGS project will arrive in the coming days and spend one night at Princess Elisabeth Antarctica before taking off to do the radar transects from the Chinese Zhongshan station (in Prydz Bay) to PEA on a round trip. The goal of their project is to map coastal bedrock topography and investigate the thickness of the ice, which is made possible by the advanced radar system attached to the underbelly of the airplane. Two additional transect flights from PEA to Prydz Bay are planned later in January.
All the while at the station, work continues on installing the new water treatment system, regular maintenance on the wind turbines has been done, and the solar panel platform has been cleared ofo snow and ice.
More guests
On the evening of December 25th, an additional flight filled with the remaining cargo that was left at Ultima Airfield last week was transported to the station by the Ken Boreck air crew. In addition they brought with them seven passengers that were headed to Bharati research station, a permanent Indian base. The seven passengers and four flight crew members spent the night. The following evening at 9:30pm local time they departed. It’s roughly an 8 hour flight in the DC-3 from Princess Elisabeth to the Indian station – nearly 2,200 kilometres away.
Station engineers Aymar de Lichtervelde and Nicolas Herinckx gave a special tour of the station’s energy production and water treatment facilities to the guests, who were eager to learn about the sustainable nature of our station and the possibility of incorporating similar technologies at their own base.
The New Year is approaching and we’re approaching the midpoint of the season. Stay tuned as the science projects begin to pick up steam and work around the station begins to be finalised. There’s still lots more to accomplish in 2024!
Sunny skies have returned to vicinity of the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica just in time for new arrivals at the station!
Early on Thursday morning, December 21st, six scientists arrived at the station along with new members of the station crew, including a new doctor and field guide.
After undergoing the requisite two days of field and safety training, scientists from three Belgian research projects will get to work.
Sibylle Boxho from the Universié Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Paula Lamprea Pineda from UGent will be working on the PASPARTOUT project. This project seeks to establish an in-depth understanding of the links between atmospheric circulation patterns, weather regimes, particles, volatile organic compounds, and moisture, as well as determine the origins of these particles (natural or anthropogenic) of organic and inorganic compounds, and investigate the implications of these particles within the context of a changing global climate.
During this season, with the help of IPF station crew, they will install several instruments on the roof of the station and in the vicinity of the station. They will also head out to the coast to install particle samplers and take snow samples at different depth of a trench that they will dig in the surface snow.
Quinten Vanhellemont from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) is returning to Antarctica to work on the ExPoSoils project. The project is studying the effects of increased temperature and snow cover on the biodiversity and genetic functional potential of microbial communities.
During this season he will take samples from existing open-top chambers and snow fences in the vicinity of the station, collect data from data loggers, install time-lapse cameras, and re-install the HYPSTAR radiometer (which had previously been developed for and used by the EU-financed HYPERNETS project) to monitor solar radiation reflectance.
Two members of the Belgian military along with Maarten Baes from UGent will be looking for suitable locations for a possible Space Situational Awareness telescope, which would observe objects in space to ensure the safety of space for all users. The team will look at weather and astronomical conditions at different possible sites.
A team of Chinese researchers (four scientists and three pilots) are also planned to arrive towards the end of the year separately to conduct radar surveys of the ice between the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica and Prydz Bay at the coast to study the ice discharge from the Antarctic Ice Sheet as part of the RINGS project. The purpose behind this international working group established by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) is to get a clearer idea of ice discharge bedrock topography around the coast of Antarctica, which is important in understanding the mass balance of the ice sheet.
The Chinese team will conduct two round trip flights from Zhongshan station to PEA in the coming weeks, taking measurements of ice thickness and topography all along the grounding lanes between the two stations.
The Princess Elisabeth Antarctica station is getting crowded! It's going to be a crowded holiday season
After some pleasant weather during the first few weeks of the season, stormy weather has arrived at the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica, forcing a few changes of plan and even unexpected visitors.
Adapting to the weather conditions
Anyone who works in Antarctica as a scientist or a member of the station crew knows that bad weather is always something you have to be prepared for. Towards the middle of last week, strong winds, heavy snowfall and whiteout conditions arrived in the Queen Maud Land where the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica is located, which led to several changes of plan.
Unfortunately, the Alfred Wegener Institute’s Polar 6 plane was not able to complete all of the ice monitoring transects it had planned along the Princess Ragnhild coast during its stay at PEA. Issue on one of the fuel pump grounded the plane for several days until a replacement part could be flown in. However, once the plan had been repaired, bad weather grounded the plane for several more days. As the plane is on a tight schedule, it had to continue on to the next stops on its itinerary for this season when the weather was again good enough to allow travel.
The bad weather also resulted in a group of unexpected guests: 13 Indian scientists and technicians (and 4 flight crew members) who were on their way home from overwintering at Bharati Station on the Prydz Bay area. They were passengers on the plane that had brought the replacement fuel pump part for the Polar 6 and ended up getting stuck at Princess Elisabeth Antarctica until December 14th.
While weather conditions had improved in the area of Antarctica where the Polar 6 was headed to allow the plane and the crew from AWI to depart, the weather is still bad at Ultima Air Field 450 km away from the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica, where the Indian team is scheduled to take their other station (Maitri) and flight home. While it was a bit more crowded at PEA than expected, the station has always been a very welcoming place, our unexpected guests have adapted easily to life at the station, even helping our cook to prepare some delicious authentic Indian meals! Overall it was a great opportunity to meet other station crew members and share cultural differences in a very friendly atmosphere.
A changing climate
The weather conditions in recent seasons have noticeably changed compared to the years during which the station was constructed (2007-09) with events of warmer temperatures and sustained winds for sporadic long periods of time.
Although extreme weather events may happen anytime within the course of history, their increasing frequency and reduction of the predictability of the weather can be considered as a symptom of climate change that is slowly reaching the Antarctic continent.
Some of the veterans who took part in building the station recall that temperatures would easily hover between -25°C and -20°C during the day in the austral summer when they were working outside. In November this year, temperatures got close to 0°C for a few days. The BELARE 2021-2022 expedition is remembered as the windiest and harshest due to several weeks of strong winds and snowfall in the middle of the austral summer
Traverse in whiteout conditions
Meanwhile at the coast, BELARE expedition leader Alain Hubert and three team members have been busy doing a traverse to the coast to continue preparing containers of waste from the station to be evacuated by ship and conduct reconnaissance at the coast to find an ideal spot for the supply ship to moor when it is scheduled to arrive early January 2024.
The bad weather created whiteout conditions during the traverse, which meant zero visibility. Luckily, the BELARE team knows the route well and make extensive use of their GPS to navigate even when visibility is zero. Expedition leader Alain Hubert has successfully handled whiteout conditions dozens of times at both poles, so everything has been going smoothly.
New water treatment system almost ready!
Thanks to the hard work of our plumbers Bernard and Simeon and engineers Aymar and Nicolas, the new water treatment system is almost ready to go online. The engineers are still fine-tuning the numeric programming of the system while the plumbers have been testing the bioreactor and putting the last pipes and electric connexions of the system in place.
The station plans to switch to the new system before the end of the year.
On December 2nd, Princess Elisabeth Antarctica (PEA) welcomed the first scientific team of the season. Comprising four scientists, three pilots, and technicians from the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) in Germany, they arrived with their specialised Polar 6 Basler aircraft equipped with an Ultra Wide Band (UWB) radar beneath the wing.
From December 2nd until December 9th, weather permitting, they'll focus their research along the QueenMaud Land Coast and the Antarctic Plateau, conducting six flights from PEA. They're using the Ultra Wide Band (UWB) radar to measure ice thickness and patterns, which assists in determining the bedrock structure and age of the ice. Specifically, their goal is to collect comprehensive data for three international research projects based in Germany, Japan, and Switzerland:
- QUASNO (Alexandra Zuhr, University of Tübingen): Quantifying the anthropogenically induced change in snow accumulation in Antarctica;
- RINGS DML (Kenichi Matsuoka, NIPR): Getting a better understanding on how much ice is discharged over Antarctica‘s Grounding line;
- CHARISO (Johannes Sutter, University of Bern): Calibration of ice-flow models via dated internal reflection horizons from radar.
Meanwhile, IPF’s team of engineers and plumbers continue to work on installing the stations’ new water treatment system, while a team is preparing a second traverse to the coast to prepare for the cargo ships’ arrival at the beginning of 2024.
Live online presentations from PEA
Henri Robert, biologist and Deputy Station Manager of the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica, has been fascinating audiences worldwide with live presentations showcasing IPF’s work in Antarctica and the scientific research being carried out there. Streamed directly fromthe station, his online presentation offers a unique glimpse into resaerch conducted at and near the station.
So far this season, he’s spoken to an audience of nearly 100 people (mostly children during a Swiss polar event). He also successfully gave a presentation to an online audience of about 50 people during Flemish Science Day, and hosted an online university class from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), which was very well received.
Henri's next live session from PEA is scheduled with students aged 12 to 15 at the Royal Hospital School in Ipswich, England, a school he speaks to every year.
Next team will arrive soon!
Meanwhile, the current PEA team is busy preparing, ensuring everything's set for the next wave of researchers. On December 16th a new scientific team along with two IPF members will arrive at the station. More information about this incoming scientific team will be available next week, so stay tuned for updates!
The 14th edition of the Arctic Futures Symposium held in Brussels' EU Quarter on November 28th - 29th attracted more than 190 in-person participants from many different parts of the world.
This year's edition offered a comprehensive view of the Arctic's society, interests, and challenges. Distinguished speakers from Arctic countries and the EU Institutions discussed crucial matters affecting all Arctic stakeholders.
Topics covered key issues such as managing the challenges of a changing Arctic, opportunities for cooperation in the Arctic under the current geopolitical circumstances, Arctic security issues, issues affecting Artic youth and Arctic communities, critical raw materials and securing supply chains, and implementing a just green transition in the region.
On the morning of the second day of the symposium, the IPF and the Trân Fmaily awarded the second annual Laurence Trân Arcctic Futures Award to clothing enterprise Gobmi, which was foudned by Saami sisters who rediscovered their indigneous heritage.
The event was live-streamed, attracting several hundred viewers. Recordings of panel discussions are available on the IPF YouTube Channel for those who missed it.
In tandem with the symposium, the 5th Arctic Shorts Film Evening, which took place on Monday, November 27th at Bozar Centre for Fine Arts in the centre of Brussels, drew more than 400 attendees. Nine films showcased the Arctic's rich narratives, making the evening a remarkable success.
The International Polar Foundation would like to thank all partners and constributors that made this year's symposium possible.
With the successful conclusion of this year's edition, anticipation already builds for the next symposium, promising another engaging exploration of Arctic issues and narratives!
The International Polar Foundation and the Trân Family are proud to announce the second winner of the annual Laurence Trân Arctic Futures Award.
The second edition of the annual award that gives 7,500 Euros of financial assistance to a fledgling startup or young entrepreneur based in the Arctic* is being given to Gobmi, a clothing brand founded in 2022 in Áltá, Norway, by sisters Hanna Moen Reinsnes and Live Moen Johannessen. The two sisters, who only a few years ago re-discovered their Saami heritage, set out to create sustainably-produced modern urban wear that incorporates elements of their Saami culture.
“We are deeply honoured and humbled to receive this prestigious award,” stated Hanna Moen Reinsnes, CEO and co-founder of Gobmi. “It acknowledges our dedication to marrying Saami traditions with modern style, and empowers us to further our journey in sustainable and culturally rich fashion.”
Gobmi was selected as the winner out of 18 candidates who applied from Alaska, northern Canada, Greenland, northern Norway, northern Sweden, and northern Finland by a committee of experts with years of experience working with startups in the North American and European Arctic.
“Gobmi is an example of the kind of startup unique to the Arctic that can be created by the innovative young people living in the region,” said Alain Hubert, Founder and President of the International Polar Foundation, life-long entrepreneur, and the initiator of the zero-emission Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research station. “It’s possible to achieve your dreams with hard work and determination.”
The startup stood out above the rest for many reasons.
“While there were several highly qualified candidates, Gobmi stood out because their business draws on their traditional Saami heritage to create a sustainably produced modern line of clothing,” commented Mads Frederiksen, Director of the Arctic Economic Council and member of the selection committee. “It’s promising to see that young, female, indigenous entrepreneurs are creating their own startups.”
An initiative of the International Polar Foundation and financed by the Trân family, the Laurence Trân Arctic Futures Award was established in 2022 to help a fledgling startup or young entrepreneur based in the Arctic* further establish their business.
The award was again presented during the annual Arctic Futures Symposium, an international conference organised by the International Polar Foundation and its many Arctic stakeholder partners that brings together in Brussels Arctic stakeholders from across the Arctic to discuss topics of importance to them.
Among the 18 applicants, the selection committee also chose to recognise three startups with honourable mentions. These companies include
- Air Vitalize from Alaska, which invented a low-power filterless industrial electrostatic precipitation (ESP) device to create outdoor "clean air pockets" in polluted Fairbanks, Alaska.
- Styga / Arctic Factory from Rovaniemi, Finland, which produces sustainably-produced mobile housing units, which can address the housing shortage in several parts of the Arctic
- Super Hipsters Oy from Oulu, Finland, which produces locally-sourced fermented food that maintains a long tradition of fermenting food in Arctic cultures to preserve it for long periods of time.
The award was presented by IPF Managing Director Nicolas Van Hoecke, Brigitte Trân-Loustau from the Trân family, and Director of the Arctic Economic Council Mads Frederiksen.
Sisters Hanna Moen Reinsnes and Live Moen Johannessen won the award during a ceremony during this year’s Arctic Futures Symposium, which took place on November 28th and 29th at Town Hall Europe in Brussels’ EU Quarter. Anja Márjá Nystø Keskitalo, who is an Advisor in the EU Unit of the Saami Council and from the same region as the winners, accepted the award on behalf of the founders of Gobmi, who were not able to attend the ceremony in person.
"Thank you for supporting Saami businesses," Ms. Keskitalo said as she accepted the award on behalf of the winners.
This year's Arctic Futures Symposium focused on topics such as Arctic cooperation in the current geopolitical climate, security, creating healthy Arctic communities, youth initiatives, critical raw materials, the Green Transition, and energy solutions and attracted nearly 200 people.
“Receiving this award reinforces our commitment to Gobmi's vision,” commented Live Moen Johannessen, Creative Director at Gobmi. “We are excited and inspired to continue blending our cultural roots with modern design, creating pieces that are meaningful and environmentally conscious.”
The Trân family is happy that their daughter's legacy will live on in an award that focuses on helping young entrepreneurs bring their innovative ideas to fruition.
“We congratulate the winners of this year’s Laurence Trân Arctic Futures Award for their hard work in developing Gobmi,” Brigitte Trân-Loustau stated. “We wish them lots of luck further developing their business!”
For more information about Gobmi, please consult their website.
The annual Arctic Futures Symposium and its growing number of side events, including the highly popular Arctic Shorts film evening, is happening this week.
Arctic Shorts back for 5th edition
Thanks to the financial support of the Government of Canada and the assistance of the Arctic Futures Symposium partners, the Arctic Shorts film evening will return for its 5th edition the evening of Monday, November 27th at BOZAR Centre for fine Arts in the centre of Brussels.
This year’s programme will feature nine shorts films this year made by filmmakers hailing from different parts of the Arctic. The evening will start with introductory speeches given by Gizem Eras (Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment Counsellor, Mission of Canada to the EU) and Clara Ganslandt (EU Special Envoy for Arctic Matters).
A few seats are still left. Tickets are free, but your seat must be reserved via the BOZAR website. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the programme starts at 7:30 pm.
For more information please consult the events page on the Arctic Futures Symposium website.
Arctic Futures Symposium draws much interest for 14th edition
Registrations have now closed for the 14th edition of the Arctic Futures Symposium, which will take place this year at Town Hall Europe near the European Parliament in Brussels’ EU Quarter. It will feature more than 40 expert speakers from all across the Arctic and the EU Institutions, discussing topics such as Arctic cooperation in the current geopolitical climate, security, creating healthy Arctic communities, youth initiatives, critical raw materials, the Green transition, and energy solutions.
More than 150 Arctic stakeholders including policymakers from the local to national and EU Level, indigenous leaders, entrepreneurs, representatives from industry, academics, and experts are expected to attend.
Interest in the Arctic remains high, and this is reflected in the number of registrations for the conference and its side events.
In addition to Arctic Shorts, the symposium will also feature an “Arctic Evening” cocktail and networking event hosted by the Mission of Norway to the EU on November 28th, and a cocktail and presentation of the results of the EU-financed JUSTNORTH Horizon project hosted by the Embassy of Monaco to Belgium and the EU on November 29th.
Due to high interest, registrations for this year’s symposium have now closed. For those who have not registered, it is still possible to watch the entire symposium online on the IPF YouTube Channel.
More information, including the programme, a full list of speakers, and communication materials can be found on the Arctic Futures Symposium website.
The team enjoyed pleasant weather as they started working on the first major tasks of the season.
Warm for November
The Princess Elisabeth Antarctca station recently enjoyed pleasant weather with clear skies, minimal wind, and abundant sunshine. However, The team noticed the temperature hitting -0.6°C on Saturday, November 18th which is very unusually warm for this time of the year.
The station benefits from protection against katabatic winds, thanks to the surrounding mountains. Typically, summers are comfortable, ranging between -10°C to -5°C in December and January. However, temperatures rarely get close to 0°C in the part of the Queen Maud Land in East Antarctica where the station is located, and certainly not in November. It is unusual to have such a warm spell in this part of Antarctica, at least as far back as consistant weather data has been taken.
Thsi isn't the first time the team experienced unusual weather events, over the past few years the climate has become more and more unpredictable in Antarctica, likely due to climate change.
First expedition to the coast
A team led by Alain Hubert, along with Tim, Jan, and Jacques, headed to the coast to do an initial reconnaissance of the coastline in order to see where the ship carrying cargo will dock this year. This process is not easy to define as the ice at the coast is constantly moving every year. They also took the opportunity to move all the containers that were left last year at Breids Bay to 0° Longitude, a central point from which you can reach most of the landing sites more easily. This will help to speed up logistics when the cargo ship arrives in January or February.
Work at the station
At the station, the team have been making minor repairs to the garage wall and have started the gradual process to lift up the station’s annexes to keep them level. The movement of the glacier on which the annexes have been constructed required the IPF to create a system of hinges and pistons that allows the team to raise the station’s annexes twice a year: when they first arrive at the station and right before they leave at the end of the season
IPF engineers, Aymar de Lichtervelde, Nicolas Herinckx along with expert plumbers Siméon and Bernard Polet are continuing where they left off last year with setting up the station’s new water treatment system. Previously, the station used a WTU designed for 16 people. But with the station hosting as many as 45-50 individuals, an upgrade became necessary. Most parts for the new water treatment system were delivered to the station and an entire room at the station was adapted to accommodate the larger tanks required for the upgraded system.
The team has also been repairing the flags and pathways around the station. The harsh weather conditions of last week caused damage to routes leading to the Airstrip, the Winter park, and the coast. It's crucial to ensure these areas continue to be well-marked for safe navigation.
Next week we'll talk about some of the first scientific activity at PEA this season!
Thanks to a productive first week and favourable weather, the station is now running at full power with all systems successfully restarted.
Running at full power
Thanks to ideal weather, strong wind and abundant sunlight, the station is now generating enough energy to run at full power. This is just what the team needs to run all the vital systems for communication, electricity production, water production, water treatment and scientific equipment, with some extra power to spare!
Settling in
Since their arrival, the team has been hard at work preparing the station for the arrival of the first team of scientists in December. Their first task has been clearing out the mountain of snow in front of the station’s annexes, which usually takes about two and a half days. Once finished, the mechanics started to bring vehicles to the station from the Winter Park where they're stored during the austral winter. These containers will be converted into labs for scientists and living spaces for the expedition team.
The station’s electrical system was switched from winter to summer mode. This allowed the plumbers and engineers to start producing essential fresh water for drinking and cooking. It was a great team effort! They're also busy preparing bacteria for the bioreactors in the water treatment unit to recycle and purify all the wastewater the station inhabitants will produce.
The team has started to work again on installing the station’s brand new water treatment system, an upgrade compared to the station’s current water treatment unit. This is one of the main objectives for the station's engineers this season.
Preparing for the scientists’ arrival
This week, the team has also started working with scientists remotely to set up equipment that collect data only during the austral summer. They are also performing maintenance on instruments that have been collecting data throughout the winter.
In addition to projects that require the presence of scientists on-site, IPF engineers will continue monitoring and maintaining scientific equipment collecting data year-round, including new automatic weather stations for the PEACE project.
More to come from the team soon. Stay tuned!