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All projects related to: Princess Elisabeth Antarctica

  • EducaPoles: Science Education

    EducaPoles: Science Education

    Educapoles, the International Polar Foundation’s science education platform, delivers a fresh, accessible approach to the scientific process by enabling teachers to explore climate and polar science with their …

  • SciencePoles: Polar Science Hub

    SciencePoles: Polar Science Hub

    The SciencePoles website exists to communicate these Polar Sciences to the general public. Scientific research in the Polar Regions is essential to understanding the Earth, its history, regional ecosystems, and …

  • Polaris Climate Change Observatory

    Polaris Climate Change Observatory

    The Polaris Climate Change Observatory (PCCO) aims to inform public perception of the role of science in issues of major social importance. The PCCO is a physical space where the …

  • Baillet Latour Antarctica Fellowship

    Baillet Latour Antarctica Fellowship

    NOTICE REGADING COVID-19 AND THE 2020 FELLOWSHIP CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Due to the COVID-19 situation, the 2020 Baillet Latour Antarctica Fellowship call for applications has unfortunately been postoponed until further notice. No …

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